Main stories in the book of exodus outlined

Narrative stories dominate the first section of the book of exodus and. Exodus is a historical novel by american novelist leon uris about the founding of the state of israel. A brief outline of the book of exodus introduction genesis has. Sermon series on exodus siburt institute for church ministry. Outline of exodus free bible outlines bible study start. Exodus is the second book in the pentateuch and although the author of exodus is unknown, it is believed the same person wrote all five books of the pentateuch. Fretheim has highlighted this point by pointing out the. The chapter began as a continuation from chapter twentyfour when moses and the elders went up into the mountain. Historical background and summary of the book of exodus in easy to study bible survey format. It has its own quirks, subtleties, and superweird moments. Introduction to the book of exodus learn religions.

A short summary of the bible stories of exodus taken from the scriptures. Genesis has provided a complete introduction to the reader so that he knows why in the world israel is in. The book of exodus was written between 1440 and 1400 b. The new leadership in egyptfeeling threatened by jacobs descendants, who have increased greatly in sizeembarks on a campaign to subdue the israelites, forcing them into slavery and eventually decreeing that all hebrew boys must be killed at birth in the nile river. What are the main stories in the book of exodus answers. Exodus also tells the story of moses, including, his birth and gods providential. Every chapter of the bible in 140 characters or less. Egypt is a picture of this present world galatians 1. The book of exodus is the second book of the bible and describes the exodus, which includes the israelites deliverance from slavery in egypt through the hand of yahweh, the revelations at biblical mount sinai, and the subsequent divine indwelling of god with israel exodus is traditionally ascribed to moses, but modern scholars see its initial composition as a product of the babylonian. The story of the exodus is anticipated in various ways and through several stories in the book of genesis. At the very front of the book we see that exodus is not a new story its the continuation of an old story. It is about gods great deliverance of israel from egypt and his meeting with them at mt. The global message of exodus the continued story of redemptive history.

Chronologically, the book takes us through about 82 years compare genesis of between 2499 and 3835 years or more, from the birth of moses in 1526 b. This verse is the 3point outline of the book of exodus. A summary, synopsis or recap is a shortened version of the original. The book continues the story of the ancestors of israel in egypt, now grown in number to a large landless population enslaved by the pharaoh. It gives a record of the exodus of the israelites from egypt which signified the end of a period of oppression for abrahams offsprings and the commencement of the fulfillment of the covenant promised to abraham. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of bible. The book of exodus is the book of national redemption. The book of exodus begins more than four hundred years after joseph, his. Exodus chapter 32 summary details the story of how the children of israel rebelled against the lord their god with idol worship. The book of exodus begins more than four hundred years after joseph, his brothers, and the pharaoh he once served have all died. In gods timing, the exodus of the israelites from egypt marked the end of a period of oppression for abrahams descendants genesis 15. List of books and articles about book of exodus online.

Bible survery exodus hebrew name velleh shemoth these are the names greek name exodus departure author moses date from 1635 to 1490 bc approximately. Hundreds of years elapsed between the time of the events described in the closing chapters of. Moses goes back up the mountain to intercede for the israelites. Exodus is the second book of the pentateuch the five books of moses, and its where we find the stories of the ten plagues, the first passover, the parting of the red sea, and the ten commandments the book gets its name from the nation of israels mass. It could have been compiled by the author from various sources or passed down verbally.

Explain the themes and theology in the book of exodus. The book of exodus consists mainly of two genres, narrative history and laws. This is related to the theme of covenantspecifically, the expectations god has for the people of. The stay in the desert describes the earthly circumstances in which. The book of genesis, together with the first few chapters of exodus, describes the events which led to the gods establishment of his theocracy with the people of israel. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and i am concerned about their suffering. An o verview of the key events and bible people found in exodus together with the famous bible stories and brief summary of the book of exodus from the bible. The title exodus comes from the septuagint, which derived it from the primary event found in the book, the deliverance from slavery and exodus or departure of the.

Now 40 years old moses is incensed over an episode where he witnesses an egyptian beat a hebrew slave. You could divide the book up into two or three major sections and plan a. The second book of the torah describes the birth of the jewish people. Exodus with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

The book of exodus is the story of god rescuing the children of israel from egypt and forging a special relationship with them. This section includes the birth, education and flight of moses. And in many ways, exodus is the covenant book its the rules, the history, and the contract all wrapped up into one you probably remember abrahams covenant with god from genesis. The key personalities include moses, miriam, pharaoh, pharaohs daughter, aaron, and joshua. The covenant is more than just an agreement between god and the israelites. The entire book is about god hearing israels cries for help, rescuing them from their oppressors, and. The book is grouped in several short stories, but all of them follow the same character and are all related to the sexual experiences of this character. The book of genesis ends with the death of joseph in either 1579 b. See what its about from the first verse to the last.

The book of exodus follows a sustained narrative beginning first with the life of moses, a hebrew raised among egyptian royalty, before showing how god used moses to deliver the hebrews from. Theologically, the book takes us from the transcendent god to the imminent god, from a god who listens from afar to a god who dwells with his. So i have come down to rescue them from the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Summary of the book of exodus the story of the bible. The book begins with the story of moses birth and adoption by the egyptian princess. The book of genesis is the first book of the bible, and opens with one of the most famous first sentences of any literary work. Moses was the author of the book of exodus exodus 17. Exodus 2 book moses is book number 2 in the old testament of the bible. This article is part of the 10 things you should know series. The book of exodus is especially rich in typical teachings. God can be depended on when moses was born, pharoah had issued a. For instance, in genesis 1214 there was a famine in the land and abram went down into egypt to stay there.

I summarised the bible on twitter between aug 2010 and nov 20 one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. The book of exodus is the second book of the bible and describes the exodus, which includes. Moses marries zipporah, the daughter of reuel or jethro the priest of midian. Within the book of exodus there is language that suggests the author is an eye witness to the events contained within the book. Exodus overview and outline reasons for hope jesus. As you read the pages of scripture, ask yourself, what does this passage tell me about god. Moses and israel in egypt, 10 plagues, the red sea, 10 commandments, gods law, the tabernacle. The second half of the book tells of the covenant that was established between god and israel at sinai and promulgates laws for the ordering of israels life since exodus continues the sacred story of the divine promise to israel begun in genesis. Genesis summary we have detailed a brief summary of the book of genesis for bible study or sunday school lessons. Biblenotes the entire holy bible is summarized with easy. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth. These bible book outlines are intended to assist you as you study gods wor d.

The levites side with moses and kill three thousand of the other israelites. The original purpose of exodus was to help the people of israel understand their identity as gods special people, and to learn about their covenant obligations to him. It was written to record the events of israels deliverance from slavery in egypt. The story of the exodus is the founding myth of the israelites, telling of their. Chapters 118 narrate the history of the egyptian bondage, the exodus from egypt, and the journey to mount sinai under the leadership of moses. The biblical stories, plot, characters and events detailed in this summary of exodus. The book of exodus continues the story of the redemptive history that god began in the book of genesis. God calls moses back to egypt to deliver the israelites from slavery to pharoah. Its where we find the famous stories of adam and eve, cain and abel, noah and the ark, abraham and isaac, and a welldressed dreamer named joseph. We hope that you will come to know and love him deeply. Book of exodus overview insight for living ministries. Outline of the book of exodus 1 the sufferings of israel 1. Hebrew peoples covenant old covenant with god exodus 34.